Next Level

Thank you for joining us for our Next Level sessions which focus on unlocking the power of health and care innovation for all. Themes running throughout the sessions will include health inequalities, collaboration and partnership, and how we can use innovation to transform lives. 

  • Date: Wednesday 8 June 2022
  • Time: 9.15am – 5.10pm
  • Venue: East Surrey Hospital, Canada Ave, Redhill RH1 5RH

Session summaries and resources

Next level: unlocking the power of health and care innovation for all

It is easy for innovation to make the healthcare gap for access to care, and outcomes, worse. There is an argument for introducing innovation and handing it on to become business as usual, but in KSS AHSN we are trying to measure who innovation reaches and who it doesn’t, so that we can modify the approach for some groups of people, and increase the benefit national programmes convey. We will use examples including PINCER, Alivecor, FREED and showcase physical health checks in serious mental illness work done by Sussex Health and Care Partnership as models for national programmes and local population health improvement.



Video: Watch the young people who have gone through the FREED pathway explain their challenges faced living with eating disorder. 

Discovering, developing and deploying digital mental health solutions for children and young people during Covid across Sussex
  • The co-production of e-wellbeing platform during Covid.
  • An overview of the review of children’s digital mental health services, the findings, recommendations and digital ambitions co-created by young people.
  • Actively engaging young people in research and implementation – how were they involved and what difference did it make?
  • KSS AHSN working in partnership with voluntary and community sector to involve young people in research and implementation.
  • Impact of the review – including the wider system and Sussex ICS.



Report: Children and young people’s digital mental health services review

Website: e-wellbeing is a digital wellbeing service for young people run by YMCA DownsLink Group

Video: e-wellbeing’s #YouGotThis campaign

Video: FREED Programme: Challenges of living with an eating disorder and the importance of early intervention

Video: Living with ADHD and the importance of early diagnosis

Summary chart: Spread of QbTest ADHD objective assessment across Kent, Surrey and Sussex

News: some of our recent work with children and young people

Respiratory programme: showcasing the success of the programme, looking to the future and the use of innovation
  • Background – reducing unwarranted variation, working collaboratively to improve the quality of respiratory services and address health inequalities.
  • Response to COVID-19 – rapidly adapting and disseminating and problem solving around key clinical themes.
  • Focus on innovation, including pathway redesign, peer support and learning to support best practice.
  • Highlighting the KSS Respiratory Network as a mechanism to support delivery.
  • How the KSS Respiratory Programme adapts moving forwards.



Community Acquired Pneumonia case study poster

COPD case study poster

Pulmonary Rehabilitation case study poster

Non-invasive Ventilation case study poster

Non-invasive Ventilation case study poster 2 

The work of the Cancer Alliances and Cancer innovation mini-Expo
  • The work of the cancer alliances in Kent, Surrey and Sussex
  • Followed by mini-Expo focused on cancer care featuring solutions either in use at NHS Trusts in Kent, Surrey and Sussex or in development with support from KSS AHSN.



Mini-Expo Cancer Innovation guide

“Don’t walk past”: mental health awareness training app for staff

Totem Learning Ltd, in collaboration with KSS AHSN, is creating a novel approach to mental health awareness training. Motivated by the “parity of esteem” agenda, Des Holden commissioned Totem to use “games-based learning” to encourage all NHS employees, from porter to surgeon, finance to physio, to engage in conversation with any patient or team member who they suspect may be suffering non-diagnosed mental health issues. These include anxiety, depression and alcohol / substance misuse.

The project is called “Don’t Walk Past” and delivers a narrative-based set of exercises that use branching storylines that players can explore and practice, aiming to build empathy with a range of different characters and sign-post them to more formal sources of mental health support. This is not about clinical diagnosis but about taking those extra few minutes to check on anyone that staff have concerns about to lend them a supportive ear. Players can practice in private and explore options without pressure. It is also possible to add friendly levels of competition to encourage take up of the subject matter and collaboration in teams.

The game will be delivered to mobile phones to maximise the audience and ease of access. It can be played anywhere, in short episodes, to fit in around a busy working day.


Video demo of the app

Supporting self-management and reducing anxiety for diabetes patients

As an innovative Global healthcare company, Sanofi has engaged with a tech company to develop a prototype of an intelligent, voice-based conversational agent “Coach in Your Hand” for people with Type I Diabetes with diabetes distress, as an initial step towards a possible managed service agreement supporting the continuous improvement and roll-out of the solution to growing numbers of people and groups.


Co-designing a new paradigm for medicines information

The World Health Organisation estimates that between 30-50% of patients do not take medicines according to prescription instructions.[1]

Join the joint Pfizer and KSS AHSN team to discuss their partnership over the years, including recent work engaging the NHS to reimagine the paper product information leaflet and package label that come with every prescription medicine.

Explore initial findings from a survey of over 2000 patients from across England, along with data from interviews and focus groups with patients and healthcare professionals; investigate how the same factors that drive health inequalities also impact patients’ abilities to understand written information; and discuss potential next steps to provide trusted medicines information in a variety of formats and distribution channels, linking with the interoperable medicines information standard.

1 – World Health Organization. ( 2003). Adherence to long-term therapies : evidence for action / [ edited by Eduardo Sabaté] . World Health Organization. Quoted in



E-labelling summary report

Supporting clinical entrepreneurs

Round table discussion featuring five clinical entrepreneurs that KSS AHSN is supporting, that will cover:

  • The backgrounds of clinical innovators and summary of
    their innovation
  • Their journeys as clinical innovators
  • The benefits of being a clinical innovator
  • Their experience of doing so in Kent, Surrey and Sussex
  • Tackling inequalities
  • The barriers to success.



Video: Speaking your language – Reducing communication barriers in healthcare

CardMedic summary information

Definition Health summary information

Dr Julian summary infoformation

SimEPR summary information

News and interviews: some of our recent work with clinical entrepreneurs

The role of innovation to help address local system priorities

This session will look at how KSS AHSN works with ICS system partners to spread innovation and address local and system priorities. Each of the three ICSs within the Kent Surrey Sussex footprint will be represented by leaders of these health and social care systems.

Digitalising the future for the care sector
  • Digitalising the care sector: challenges, progress to date, next steps.
  • KSS AHSN role supporting system partners, integration of RESTORE2.
  • Discussion.



Video: Digital innovation enhancing care for care home residents

Docobo and RESTORE2 summary

Enhanced Health in Care Homes summary data

News: some of our recent work focused on digitalisation and RESTORE2

gammaCore spread and adoption