While our overarching funding comes from NHS England and the Government’s Office for Life Sciences, for some programmes of work, where appropriate, we develop joint working agreements with commercial organisations.

In some instances this includes additional funding which enables the health innovation networks and NHS to reach more patients, while ensuring the health and care system benefit from the very best innovations in health and care.

Known as a ‘transfer of value’ this could be a direct payment from industry to a regional health innovation network towards an Health Innovation Network project or programme, or a secondment of staff from industry to support Health Innovation Network projects.

Below is our register of current, in-kind benefits and value received from organisations we work with.

Organisations involved


Novartis Pharmaceuticals UK Limited

In-kind benefit or value received £4k (in-kind benefit received)
Dates covered May 2022 – September 2022
Summary of in-kind benefit or value received Collaborative Working Agreement (in kind support only) to map service pathways (through workshops and interviews) to improve efficiency and service effectiveness to benefit of patient care.
AHSN owner enquiries@healthinnovation-kss.com


Organisations involved


Novartis Pharmaceuticals UK Limited

In-kind benefit or value received £15.6k (of which £15k is payment)
Dates covered November 2022 – February 2024
Summary of in-kind benefit or value received Collaborative Working Agreement (in kind support only) to deliver the benefits to patients of supporting deployment of a mental health app to help improve the well-being of NHS staff, reducing absenteeism and staff turnover, resulting in a better service or patients.
AHSN owner enquiries@healthinnovation-kss.com