We work with partners from across Europe on a number of projects to transform lives through innovation:

ADAPT smart electric powered wheelchairs

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ADAPT aims to tackle mobility and isolation problems face by elderly and disabled people. It is a four year Interreg project which started in January 2017 and is a collaboration between sixteen organisations across Southern England and Northern France. ADAPT stands for Assistive Devices for empowering disAbled People through robotic Technologies.

Interreg is a series of five programmes to stimulate co-operation between regions in the European Union. ADAPT is part of the Interreg VA France (Channel) England programme, and is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). The ERDF has contributed €5.9million towards the total project’s budget of €8.7million.



Results of the project

The project focuses on four main topics:

  • Smart and connected Electrical Powered Wheelchair (EPW) to compensate for user disabilities through driving assistance technologies and report users’ health through connection with Internet. This system will benefit severely disabled users and enable health professionals to monitor changes in user health.
  • EPW Simulator platform using virtual reality. This will give the user an immersive experience of the Smart and Connected EPW and train them to drive in everyday life. Professionals will assess the suitability of the EPW for particular patients and environments and gain understanding of the user perspective.
  • Training of healthcare professionals in assistive technologies/social assistive robotics. This novel training provision addresses a gap in the current healthcare education. Project platforms will be captured in training protocols for the benefit of users and healthcare providers.
  • Formalized agreements between research institutions and companies built through 20 events ranging from local to international meetings for promoting and disseminating ADAPT’s results, creating synergies, identifying points of convergence for common studies so as to boost R&D and favour the spread of innovative ADAPT’s assistive technologies/social assistive robotics to the market.


Around 300,000 EPW users could be affected by the ADAPT project. Potentially 5,500 smart EPWs could be manufactured per year.

Health Innovation KSS focus

Our focus in the project is ‘work package 4’.

This comprises:

4.1: Identify the competencies of stakeholders within the cross-border area –

  • Develop a database of relevant stakeholders which is easy to navigate.
  • Create visualisations using Tableau to display interest of organisations
  • produce a map of the organisations contained within the database.
  • Produce a methodology report to allow others to replicate the mapping process.
  • Establish four formalised partnerships between business intermediaries and research institutions, after delivery of 20 dissemination events
  • Get to 4.2 through work produced for 4.1.

Health Innovation KSS’s involvement in the project includes mapping organisations located in Southern England who operate in the fields of assistive technologies, robotics, e-health technology and artificial intelligence (to name a few).


Fields: artificial intelligence, assistive robotics, assistive technology, care, chair provision and selection, EPW manufacturing, health technology, internet of things, machine learning, mobility, simulator platforms, socially assistive robotics, or virtual reality.

Locations: Bournemouth and Poole, Brighton and Hove, Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly, Devon, Dorset, East Sussex, Hampshire, Isle of Wight, Kent, Medway, Plymouth, Portsmouth, Somerset, Southampton, Surrey, Swindon, Torbay, West Sussex, or Wiltshire.

Target groups: local public authority, regional public authority, national public authority, sectoral agency, infrastructure and (public) service provider, interest groups including non-governmental organisations (NGOs), higher education and research, education/training centre and school, enterprise, small and medium sized enterprise (SME), business support organisation, or international organisation.

For more information

Go to the project’s main website or contact us via adapt@kssahsn.nhsservices.org

Le project ADAPT (Version Francaise)

Interreg logo

ADAPT vise à lutter contre les problèmes de mobilité réduite et isolement que rencontrent les personnes agées ou en situation de handicap. C’est un project Interreg d’une durée de quatre ans qui a commencé en janvier 2017 et une collaboration entre seize organisations situées au sud de l’Angleterre et au nord de la France. ADAPT est l’acronyme pour “Assistive Devices for empowering disabled People through robotic Technologies” c’est-à-dire dispositifs d’assistance favorisant l’autonomisation de personnes handicapées grâce à la robotique.

Interreg réunit cinq programmes qui encouragent la coopération entre différentes régions de l’Union Européenne. Le projet ADAPT est cofinancé par le Fonds Européen de Développement Régional dans le cadre du programme INTERREG VA France (Manche) Angleterre. Le montant FEDER a contribué au projet à hauteur de 5.9 millions d’euros sur le budget de 8.7 millions d’euros.

Les résultats du project

Le projet s’articule autour de quatre axes de travail :

  • La réalisation d’un fauteuil roulant électrique (FRE) intelligent et connecté compensant les handicaps des utilisateurs grâce à des technologies d’assistance à la conduite
  • La réalisation d’un simulateur de conduite en réalité virtuelle pour une expérience immersive du FRE intelligent
  • La mise en place d’un package de formation destiné aux professionnels de santé sur les apports du numérique pour les technologies d’assistance
  • La signature de quatre accords de partenariat entre instituts de recherche et entreprises construits grâce à des événements locaux et internationaux pour créer des synergies, promouvoir et diffuser les résultats du projet

Impact du projet

Environ 300,000 utilisateurs de fauteuil roulant électrique (FRE) pourraient être touchés par le projet ADAPT. Autour de 5,500 FRE intelligent pourraient être fabriqués chaque année

Spécialisation de KSS AHSN

L’objet du projet se concentre autour de l’ensemble des taches « Package 4 ».

Ceci comprend les activités suivantes :

4.1: Identifier les compétences des parties prenantes dans la zone transfrontalière –

  • Développer une base de données des parties prenantes concernées qui est facile à naviguer.
  • Créez des visualisations à l’aide de l’outil d’information ‘Tableau’ pour présenter les organisations ayant un intérêt pertinent pour ce projet.
  • Produire une carte localisant les organisations contenues dans la base de données.
  • Rédiger un rapport méthodologique pour permettre à d’autres parties de reproduire le processus de cartographie.
  • Établir quatre partenariats formalisés entre les intermédiaires commerciaux et les instituts de recherche, après la tenue de 20 événements de diffusion.
  • Accédez à 4.2 grâce au travail produit pour 4.1.

La participation de KSS AHSN au projet comprend la production d’une carte situant les organisations pertinentes dans le sud de l’Angleterre qui opèrent dans les domaines des technologies d’assistance, de la robotique, de la technologie de la santé en ligne et de l’intelligence artificielle (pour n’en nommer que quelques-uns).


Domaines : intelligence artificielle, robotique d’assistance, technologie d’assistance, soins, fourniture et sélection de chaises, fabrication d’EPW, technologie de la santé, internet des objets, apprentissage automatique, mobilité, plates-formes de simulation, robotique d’assistance sociale ou réalité virtuelle.

Lieux: Bournemouth et Poole, Brighton et Hove, Cornwall et les îles Scilly, Devon, Dorset, East Sussex, Hampshire, Isle of Wight, Kent, Medway, Plymouth, Portsmouth, Somerset, Southampton, Surrey, Swindon, Torbay, West Sussex et Wiltshire.

Groupes cibles : autorité publique locale, autorité publique régionale, autorité publique nationale, agence sectorielle, fournisseur d’infrastructures et de services (publics), groupes d’intérêt, y compris les organisations non gouvernementales (ONG), enseignement supérieur de recherche, centre d’enseignement et de formation, entreprises, petites et moyennes entreprises (PME), organisation de soutien aux entreprises ou organisation internationale.

Pour plus d’informations

Accédez au site Web principal du projet ou contactez-nous via adapt@kssahsn.nhsservices.org


M.O.T.I.O.N. aims to develop a lower body exoskeleton paired with a smart garment for children with cerebral palsy.

The exoskeleton will be used as a walking aid and as a rehabilitation device.

Overall Objective

This project addresses two challenges :

  1. To advance development, validation and adoption of bionic rehabilitation technology for children with neurological disorders to improve quality of life
  2. To set up a transregional network to transfer this rehabilitation technology and related knowledge from research to practical application by linking with industry, healthcare professionals and users and to interact with policy makers for the creation of supportive frameworks.

Main outputs

Advanced development and validation of bionic rehabilitation technology for children with cerebral palsy:

  • An autonomous and secure lower body exoskeleton for children
  • A Smart-textile, a functional, comfortable, attractive garment that integrates the monitoring sensors suitable for children. This will be usable to all applications where monitoring is needed
  • Statistical analysis of physiological and biomechanical measurements for practitioners and scientific community
  • Base technology to applicable to other lower body disorders such as lower limb paraplegia.

Project Funding

This project has received funding from the Interreg 2 Seas programme 2014-2020, co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), and will last four years (2019-2022), gathering partners from the UK, France, Belgium and the Netherlands.

The project budget is €7,476,119. The ERDF is providing €4,431,37 of funding.

Health Innovation KSS’s role

Health Innovation KSS’s role is to identify the relevant stakeholders from industry, government, research institutions, clinical experts and user groups (parent/patient associations) and producing a stakeholder map highlighting their main characteristics.

Additionally, we will develop a roadmap from innovation to market – which will explain how to ensure the most effective and rapid uptake of these technologies.

Find out more

To find out more about M.O.T.I.O.N. visit http://www.motion-interreg.eu/