The COVID Virtual Ward model is a secondary care led initiative to support early and safe discharge (step down) for COVID patients. It has been implemented many parts of the country where it is having an impact in reducing emergency admissions and builds on the COVID Oximetry @home model previously approved by the National Incident and Response Board (NIRB), and now implemented by all CCGs.

As with the COVID Oximetry @home roll-out, the south east AHSNs are supporting our systems to set up the secondary care model. There is a special area of resources on FutureNHS, and most resources are here too.

If you’re not sure how to access the resources toolkit on FutureNHS, read the guidance here.

NHS England and Improvement wrote to all ICSs and NHS trusts in the country in January 2021 outlining why this work must be implemented, and how to do it. You can see these documents here.

For further information and support

Please contact Jo Wookey, Senior Programme Manager from the Patient Safety Team at KSS AHSN
