Kent Surrey Sussex Academic Health Science Network (KSS AHSN) and NIHR Applied Research Collaboration Kent Surrey Sussex (ARC KSS) jointly hosted an on-line event on December 6 focussing on research priorities for adult social care.

Dr Jolie Keemink, Research Fellow, ARC KSS Social Care Theme, shared the results of a recent study to gather data on priority areas for research in adult social care in Kent, Surrey and Sussex.  The study involved a series of in-depth focus groups with commissioners, providers of services and the public.  Through content analysis, a number of key themes and projects have emerged and we are looking forward to sharing more details shortly.

ARC KSS is also leading a consortium of nine ARCs as part of a National Priorities Programme for research in Adult Social Care and Social Work. Dr Madalina Toma, Research Fellow, ARC KSS also shared the priority areas selected for this programme:

  • Well-being in care homes: implementation of outcomes-based practice
  • Digital technologies to support well-being,
  • The integration of services to support child and adult victims of intimate partner violence
  • The use of community resources to improve wellbeing (strengths based

This report explains the programme and consensus building in more detail.

Rebecca Sharp, Senior Programme Manager at KSS AHSN and Implementation Lead for the ARC KSS Social Care Theme then introduced a number of new or developing Communities of Experience, selected to support these emerging regional and national priority areas:

  • Carers
  • Digital Social Care
  • Inclusive Practice
  • Home Care
  • VCSE sector

Aimed at connecting practice and academia, these communities offer a platform to develop and implement research which is informed by the needs, challenges and priorities of our local population and care systems.  If you are interested in becoming involved in these Communities of Experience then please click here to sign up.

If you would like to hear more about ARC KSS and our focus on developing research in Social Care, then please contact Becky Sharp on or Dr Jolie Keemink