The COVID Virtual Ward model is a secondary care led initiative to support early and safe discharge (step down) for COVID patients. It has already been implemented in some – but not all – parts of the country where it is having an impact in reducing emergency admissions. It builds on the COVID Oximetry @home model previously approved by the National Incident and Response Board (NIRB), and now implemented by all CCGs nationally.
As with the COVID Oximetry @home roll-out, the three south east AHSNs (KSS, Oxford and Wessex) are supporting our systems to set up the secondary care model.
Resources for this work across the south east are hosted on the Wessex AHSN website.
What is the secondary care Virtual Ward model and how is it different to CO@h?
COVID Oximetry @home is a primary care based pathway for patients who are required to ‘self monitor’ and escalate if their oxygen saturations fall below 95%, and who have generally not been admitted or assessed by secondary care.
The key difference between COVID Oximetry @home and the COVID Virtual Ward (secondary care) is the enhanced remote monitoring (supervised from secondary care/community providers) with daily calls and hospital treatments for patients (including Dexamethasone, anti-coagulation +/- trial drugs, and in a small number of cases, home oxygen therapy) on the COVID Virtual Ward.
Find out more
For further and information and resources, please go to the Wessex AHSN website
For queries or support requests in Kent, Surrey and Sussex, please contact Jo Wookey