Case Study, News

A realist evaluation of a new model of Primary Care delivery

A realist evaluation of a new model of  Primary Care delivery
Case StudyNews Primary, community & social care Surrey Health and care professionalsResearchers and academics

KSS AHSN worked with Surrey Heartlands ICB and local GPs to acquire funding for a realist evaluation and full-scale implementation of the Fuller Stocktake (2022) Growing Health Together (GHT) pilot in East Surrey.

Fuller (2022) highlighted the need to reform and integrate primary care, to improve outcomes for both our communities, and for those delivering health and social care. The report called for locally-led, nationally-enabled change, and a recognition that one size does not fit all.

Pioneered in one PCN, GHT now extends across five PCNs in Surrey and gives clinicians protected time to work with local citizens to create evidence-based solutions for their own communities, promoting health and wellbeing, and meeting specific local needs. Together, we have established a wrap-around project team, including academics and NHS colleagues, local authorities, the voluntary, community and social enterprise sector, and public health and service users. As a direct result of this work, we have built research capacity and capability in primary care and in local communities.

Due for completion in Q4 2023, the research hopes to capture the ‘active ingredients’ of the GHT ‘ecosystem’ and understand ‘what, works for whom in what context and why’. Project outputs will include a learning framework which KSS AHSN will implement across other KSS PCNs and beyond.

We hope this work will evidence a model of primary care delivery that offers benefits for people, workforce and communities. A model in which we grow healthier together.

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