Case Study
Real World Validation
30 June 2020
Real World Validation
We conduct Real World Validation of recently developed health products and programmes – pulling in clinical, procedural and outcome measures from colleagues and teams across KSS AHSN.
Real world validation is an important part of what we offer within the Innovation Exchange process. Exploring the clinical, technical, practical and financial factors of the solution in a real-world scenario enables a holistic evaluation as to how the product may operate within its intended setting.
We capture insights at several stages of a solution’s pilot, from implementation through to impact, to identify where the product may be best implemented in the system.
Building upon a mixed method approach we incorporate health economic modelling, quantifying expected health and financial benefits and costs amongst several scenarios to inform decision making.
Findings from the Real World Validation are used to identify how the innovation may spread, highlighting appropriate areas for further adoption.
Throughout 2019/20 we completed 10 Real World Validations in a variety of clinical settings, with a diverse cross-section of patients at the heart.
These evaluations have focused on patients with a variety of mental health challenges, care homes, paediatric patients, users of lower-limb prosthetics and vulnerable patients at risk of over-prescription, to name a few.
They have also sought to provide solutions to some of the challenges within clinical settings, whether it be safe and secure communication, ensuring an efficient use of theatre space to reduce surgery waiting times for patients, or reducing the £240m the NHS spends on agency commission fees.
Case study – Pando Health
We conducted an in-depth evaluation to assess the impact of Pando, a communication tool created by NHS doctors which helps NHS workers exchange patient information, make clinical decisions and manage their workload.
The study found that an acute trust adopting Pando could save just under £1m (£922k) from in-year cash and non-cash savings. The vast majority of savings are attributed to time savings for the workforce (non-cash savings).
The qualitative review brought to light additional indirect benefits from those monetised and showcased in the analysis. Such benefits included the improvement of patient management and experience, staff satisfaction and retention, patient safety and security, as well as learning opportunities.
The evaluation helped Pando improve and win additional contracts. It currently has contracts at eight NHS Trusts and the British Army, following use of the evaluation report and findings. The company also recently secured £3.8m in investment following the successful evaluation.