News National Institute for Clinical Excellence Publishes Medical Innovation Briefing Appraising QbTest 7 March 2023 Share Share on Linkedin Share on X Share via email News Mental health & neurodiversity National Health and care professionals The National Institute for Clinical Excellence (NICE) has published a Medical Innovation Briefing (MIB) highlighting the benefits of objective testing technology (QbTest) when used as part of a comprehensive ADHD assessment. Since 2020, QbTest has been part of the Health Innovation Network’s Focus ADHD programme to help improve diagnoses for ADHD in young people. It is currently being used in 66 trusts across 133 NHS services and has delivered over 50,000 tests since the national programme launched. Medical innovation briefings (MIB) are NICE advice, designed to support NHS and social care commissioners and staff who are considering using new medical devices and other medical or diagnostic technologies. Key findings include: Experts recognise QbTest as an addition to routine clinical assessment of ADHD The NICE evidence review and ADHD experts confirm that QbTest helps clinicians make accurate decisions, saving time and money NICE reports reduced ADHD waiting list achieved through the use of QbTest Find out more here.